Put away the globe and just CLICK your way home!
The examples here include both FLY-in and WALK-in mapping examples. With thanks to Kathy, Captain John, and others for allowing us to show you these story examples.
The value is . . . that maps add CONTEXT to your story.
Fly-ins use the magic of Google Earth to capture a moving, aerial entry into a destination.
Click any or all three of the graphics below to enlarge a FLY-IN example.
This example FLIES into the Hawaiian Islands.
This example FLIES into Sand Point, Alaska.
This example FLIES into Santa Barbara, California.
Walk-ins are a sequence of 8 individually-reviewable maps that literally "step" into a destination.
Click any or all three of the graphics below to enlarge a WALK-IN example.
This example WALKS into Alton, Illinois.
This example WALKS into Porterville, California.
This example WALKS into Santa Barbara, California.
Standard Costs of Digital Fly-ins and Walk-ins.
A standard Fly-in (as a separate, stand-alone production) is $49.95 – or three for $89.95. A standard Walk-in (as a separate, stand-alone production) is also $49.95 – or three for $89.95.
The very best entry into a destination is a sound-aboard Fly-in . . . . followed by an 8-step Walk-in.
A last word on contextual mapping.
Life-locales in sequence are very hard to beat as an organizational framework for telling a life story, or even part of one. Mapping provides an instant geographical CONTEXT for these LOCALES . . . which then become the digital "homes" for your associated photos, music, movie clips, documents, memorabilia, and collections. Let us show you how. Have questions? E-Mail: dianna@storyofmylife.cc
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