Dim the lights and break out the popcorn!

The examples here (4) are selections from a larger production – Kathy's World –
based on her 17 major life locales . . . ending in Santa Barbara, California. With many
thanks to Kathy and Captain John for allowing us to show you these story examples.

Click any or all four of the graphics below to enlarge a video.

Life is like a box of chocolates.
The Main Menu introduces a chocolate to represent each of 17 major life locales,
and starts with Kathy's birth in Madison, Wisconsin (Location One).

Take the train to Alton, illinois (Location Two). These were the Navy years –
waiting for Daddy "Mac" to return from World War II.

Thank heaven for little girls! In Rochester, Illinois (Location Four)
Kathy shows early signs of an entrepreneurial vision.

A long-awaited reunion in Pearl Harbor (Location Thirteen). When an Entrepreneur
and a Navy Captain find that life is better the second time around.

Watch for other movie examples here
. . . or click below and visit our channel on YouTube!