Posted Wednesday, 9/20/17

Hi Rick –

Note that this is a YouTube movie . . . simply called to a private page.
You can make it FULL SCREEN just by clicking the rectangular control at the bottom right of any screen.
You can PAUSE any movie just by clicking the inverted equal sign control at the bottom left of any screen.
Find a section or SLIDE by moving the red ball along the progress bar at the bottom of any screen.
Note that you need to mouse over the movie to see the controls. Enjoy!

There are several ways we could modify this format – which I think we should do –
and agree on a format between us before we send it on to anyone else.

You can comment on anything you see . . . but the main things we might consider are
the Titling style, the Transition style, & what the Copyright screen says – at the very end.

On the Title Page, I just see the 218th Logo – & the Event Title in "Times" Bold – with the date a little smaller.

As for transitions between slides, there are just three types shown here. The transition from the Title
to the first slide is a "Reflection." All of the slide-to-slide transitions are done in a "page turn" style,
so it looks as though we're turning the pages of an album. We could also do straight dissolves.
The END slide (with the credits) is a 10-second fade to black. We should discuss all of this.

When you can, just write me at . . . or call 805/963-7835

Then when we're ready, I'll give the code for the MOVIE above to Melinda – & she can put it on the VVA-218 site.
And we could simply do this same process whenever you shoot pictures for a 218th event.