The game is simple ~ once you understand the moving abilities of six pieces ~ and once you know the objective ~ which is to capture (Checkmate) the opposing King!
Introducing: The King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, and Pawn.
The King can move ONE space ~ in any direction.
The Queen is the most powerful piece on the Board. Don't tell your Mother. She can move to any space ~ in any direction.
The Bishop can move diagonally to any space in any direction.
The Knight can move over one and up two or over two and up one. A very unusual ability. I call him the dark horse.
The Rook ~ often called the Castle ~ is the second most powerful piece on the Board. He can move in any line or row to any space. Just not diagonally.
The Pawn ~ can move ONE space (always forward ~ never back). Exceptions: a Pawn can (but isn't required to) move forward TWO spaces ~ but only on the opening move. And a Pawn can move one space diagonally, but only for the purpose of taking an opposing piece. Personal advice ~ as in life, best not under estimate the power of the Pawn.
Meanwhile, there are MANY books on chess that are out there (I think we've sent two with the package) ~ almost as many as there are set DESIGNS. There are also many WEB pages that reference chess ~ if you're so inspired.
With all THAT said . . . we want you to relax and have FUN with chess. No requirement that you either learn it or like it.
My Grandad (Ellis Frost) tried SO hard to draw me into classical music . . . which he loved . . . but it just never "took" with me. So if that happens here, Zack (it happens!) ~ no worries.
Have a GREAT Christmas & New Year!
~ Grandad & Nanna ~